What To Expect When You Decide To Compete In An Adult Agritourism Pageant

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About Me

Understanding How To Master Agriculture While planting a garden and tending a yard may seem simple, nothing could be further from the truth. It isn't always easy to master different concepts when it comes to agriculture, but a friend of mine started chatting with me about how to make things better. I learned more about how to choose plants that were more likely to thrive in my area, and then I even worked with a gardener to find out more about tilling the ground and making things grow more freely. Although it was a difficult thing to master for a few years, things are better now. Read up on agriculture on this blog.




If you have been hearing about agritourism pageants and wonder if they are something you may want to consider, learning some basic facts about them will help you decide. Entering agritourism pageants is a fun way to get your name out there, and when you compete in or win pageants, you can promote your farm or ranch to the public along with any services you have to offer, such as school tours or working farm experiences. 

Finding pageants

Searching online will allow you to find agritourism pageants and where they are taking place. You may also contact your local agricultural center to see if they can provide any information you need. You may need to travel out of the area to compete but doing so gives you a greater opportunity to spread the word about your farm. 

Preparing for a pageant

Once you decide to enter an agritourism pageant, you will want to go over the areas you will need to compete in. Preparing well in advance will help you increase your chance of winning in the competition. The sessions will be different depending on each competition, so you cannot go by previous pageant rules.

What to expect

Agritourism pageants typically have multiple areas you must compete in. Some common ones usually include an introduction about yourself and where you are from. You will likely have a time limit on your introduction, so make sure you do not go over your designated time by timing your speech during practice.  

Some pageants expect you to maintain a social media presence throughout the months leading up to the pageant. You may be judged on how well you promote the agricultural industry in your area and how well you interact with your followers and answer any questions they have. Other areas include essay contests, photography centered around agriculture in your state, and clothing and style competitions. 

You may also have to participate in a press conference session, so you will need to be knowledgeable about key facts about agriculture in the state you are competing in. The goal is to convince people to travel to your state. These press sessions are usually videotaped for you to place on your social media site if desired. 

Entering an agritourism pageant is a win-win adventure. It is a fun way to promote your farm and any agricultural products or services you wish to offer to tourists. Whether you win a competition or not does not matter, because you will still draw attention to your farm or ranch simply by competing. 

For more information about adult agritourism pageants, contact a local company. 

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